Altium Scripts

These are some helpful Altium Scripts written in Visual Basic Script
to help you get started with the programming.
This one will place the name of the file on the board without the
extension on any layer that is currently visible.
'This will place the file name of the PCB on the board on any
'layer that is displayed.
Sub AddFileName
Dim  Board
Dim  ASMSting
Dim  Layer
Dim TmpString

Set Board = PCBServer.GetCurrentPCBBoard
If Board is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Iterator = Board.BoardIterator_Create

For Layer = eTopLayer to eMultiLayer
If Board.LayerIsDisplayed(Layer) AND  Board.LayerIsUsed(Layer) Then
ASMString           = PCBServer.PCBObjectFactory(eTextObject,
eNoDimension, eCreate_Default)
ASMString.XLocation = Board.XOrigin + MilsToCoord(500) '500 mils from
origin in X
ASMString.YLocation = Board.YOrigin - MilsToCoord(500) '-500 mils from
origin in Y
TmpString = Board.FileName
While Instr(TmpString, "\")  <> 0
 TmpString = Right(TmpString, Len(TmpString)-Instr(TmpString, "\") )
'removes the path
ASMString.Text      = Left(TmpString, Instr(TmpString, ".") - 1  )   'removes the
ASMString.Size      = MilsToCoord(100) 'Size of the string is 100
ASMString.Layer     = Layer

Board.AddPCBObject(ASMString) ' Put this string on the Board
End If

Call AddStringParameter("Action", "Redraw")
End Sub
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Altium Service Bureau
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